Spinal Cord Stimulation in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY

Discover Spinal Cord Stimulation in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY-A Leading Solution for Chronic Pain Relief. This innovative approach, provided by NY Spine Medicine, addresses severe back pain and enhances quality of life. Perfect for those seeking effective and long-lasting solutions.

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Understanding Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Revolutionary Pain Management Technique in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a cutting-edge therapy used to alleviate chronic pain. It involves a device that sends low levels of electrical stimulation to the spinal cord to interrupt pain signals to the brain. This method is particularly beneficial for patients who have not found relief from other treatments.

Ideal for residents of New York City seeking back pain relief, this procedure is minimally invasive and can be tailored to each individual’s needs, making it a preferred choice in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY.

Expertise in Pain Relief

At NY Spine Medicine, our team specializes in advanced pain management techniques, offering tailored solutions for each patient.

Trusted by New York City

Countless patients have entrusted their pain management to us, citing exceptional care and outcomes.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

We provide the latest in medical technology and treatments, ensuring high standards of care for all.

Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation in New York City

Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) has transformed the way chronic pain is managed in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY. This therapy, offered at NY Spine Medicine, primarily targets pain by delivering mild electrical pulses directly to the spinal cord, which effectively masks pain signals before they reach the brain. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals who have not responded well to other types of pain management strategies.

The advantages of SCS extend beyond pain relief. Patients often experience a significant improvement in their overall quality of life. They find themselves able to return to daily activities and hobbies that were previously hindered by pain. Furthermore, SCS often leads to a decreased reliance on pharmaceutical pain relievers, which can have undesirable side effects and long-term health implications.

For those living in New York City, choosing SCS means opting for a life with less pain and more possibilities. Our clinic in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY, offers a compassionate and thorough approach to pain management, ensuring that each patient’s treatment plan is tailored to their specific needs. By reducing pain, SCS helps patients lead more active and fulfilling lives.

The Process of Getting Spinal Cord Stimulation

The journey to receiving spinal cord stimulation at NY Spine Medicine begins with a detailed assessment. Our experienced specialists in St. Nicholas Historic District, NY conduct a thorough review of your medical history and a physical examination to ensure SCS is the right choice for you. This initial consultation is crucial in understanding your pain levels, the causes of your pain, and previous treatments you have undergone.

If you are considered a good candidate for SCS, the next step involves a trial stimulation. This is a temporary setup where a small device is used to simulate the effects of the full treatment, allowing both the doctor and the patient to assess its effectiveness in pain management. The trial period typically lasts about a week, providing ample time to evaluate the impact on your pain without making a long-term commitment.

Should the trial prove successful, a permanent SCS device is then implanted. This procedure is performed under the guidance of our skilled medical team, using state-of-the-art techniques to ensure safety and efficacy. After the implantation, our support continues with follow-up care to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments. Our goal is to provide lasting pain relief that improves your quality of life in New York City.

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David H. King Jr., the developer of what came to be called “Striver’s Row”, had previously been responsible for building the 1870 Equitable Building, the 1889 New York Times Building, the version of Madison Square Garden designed by Stanford White, and the Statue of Liberty’s base. The townhouses in his new project, which were originally called the “King Model Houses”, were intended for upper-middle-class whites, and featured modern amenities, dark woodwork, and views of City College. King’s idea was that the project would be “on such a large scale and with such ample resources as to ‘Create a Neighborhood’ independent of surrounding influences.”

The houses sit back-to-back, which allowed King to specify that they would share rear courtyards. The alleyways between them – a rarity in Manhattan – are gated off; some entrance gates still have signs that read “Walk Your Horses”. At one time, these alleys allowed discreet stabling of horses and delivery of supplies without disrupting activities in the main houses. Today, the back areas are used almost exclusively for parking.

King sold very few houses and the development failed, with Equitable Life Assurance Society, which had financed the project, foreclosing on almost all the units in 1895, during an economic depression. By this time, Harlem was being abandoned by white New Yorkers, yet the company would not sell the King houses to blacks, and so they sat empty until 1919-20, when they were finally made available to African Americans for $8,000 each. Some of the units were turned into rooming houses, but generally they attracted both leaders of the black community and upwardly-mobile professionals, or “strivers”, who gave the district its colloquial name.

Learn more about St. Nicholas Historic District.
Call 212-750-1155 for SCS Consultation Today!